Dream sky-high!
Alhamdulillah moodnya lagi enak nih buat nge-post sesuatu :D
Apa kabar hati?
~hmm, masih mencintai dalam diam *ciyeeh
~Alhamdulillah rata2 raport meningkat *uye
~Ramadhan! Alhamdulillah bisa berjumpa dengan bulan yang penuh rahmat ini *in syaa Allah
Apa kabar Iman?
~Masih suka lalai *astaghfirullah --"
~Berusaha u/ menjadi lebih taat *haphap Aamiin
Alhamdulillah.. praise be to Allah.. pokoknya awali Ramadhan dengan penuh rasa syukur :')
Okay, it's about 'dream'
dream? a big dream?
What is that?
I think, that's a wonderful thing that everyone should have :|
hey, amazing things will happen u know!
I hope i can be a success person that useful for people around me :')
Yup, that's not about a list of high scores, man!
It's real about the 'thing' that u love and u can enjoy on it. U can be different with others. Yes you!
I like the stars, the moon like u know from my title blog.. hmm
I don't know, i feel happy and calm when i see the stars or the sky of the night.
I love nature, unique place and buildings in Europe.
That's why my big dream is travel around the world.. Oh Allah..
I hope it will happen very soon.. :)
Dream sky-high!
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