Selasa, 15 November 2016
Praise be to Allah who has given to us a lot of grace; faith, islam, and health so we can get through the day with full of easiness. And for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The man who always brighten the world by his kindness and the man who very fitted for being a role model.
Today i want to tell about a good arrangement. The arrangement based on explanation from Ust. Sonny Abi Kim in Islamic Festival of UNJ last Wednesday. The topic is a blessing generation. As we know, many people don’t know what is the purpose of life, why and for whom they were born. Life is the path to meet our God, Allah and lead us to Him. And the path is not straight without obstacle, but it’s full of gravel and thorny. Therefore we must have a principle like a protecting shield so that we aren’t easy to be influenced by the badness world and keep focusing on our goals.
So, what is a blessing generation? And why we have to be like them?
There are three characteristics of blessing generation, there are; The Way of Mind, The Way of Feeling, and The Way of Action.
1. The Way of Mind
A blessing generation is for those who face the life as a mission. Someone said “Life is not a career but life is a mission”. Because for those who lived for a career, they lived for themselves. They just think about the benefits for them, they don’t thinking others. They just looking for fun without a true meaning. But, for those who face the life as a mission, they lived to be useful for others, they don’t thinking about their own-selves. Their life is dedicated for the one who created them. Yes, their God, Allah.
So, what are the missions? The missions are Ibadah, Khalifah, and Dakwah. Ibadah is everything that be loved by Allah, either words or deeds that worthwhile. Make sure that everything you do, the words you say, and the feeling in your heart is only for Allah, as Ibadah. Although it seems difficult, keep the faith and keep your intention just because of Allah, not else. The second is Khalifah, Khalifah is a leader. We have to be a leader in life, either for ourselves, family, or mankind. A leader is a person who has a big responsibility. That means the duties are very hard but the reward is big too. What are the duties? We have to keep the earth from the hands of vandal in every place you stand. If we couldn’t do a big thing to keep it, small things with sincerely could be more meaningful than a big thing but “blankly”. And the third is Dakwah, dakwah means inviting someone to do something. But the exactly meaning of dakwah is amar m’ruf nahi munkar, inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong. The other way of dakwah is make ourselves to be a paragon in the truth and inviting everyone into the truth. We can use our skill as the way to do that. Dakwah be not only did by a man who wear turban on his head, or a man who called ustadz or ustazah, but dakwah carried out by everyone who admit himself to Islam either child, teen, or adult.
2. The Way of Feeling
A specific characteristic of a blessing generation is there’s always a composure in their heart. The composure can be planted into their heart because they’re always put their trust in Allah. Although they’re working hard with sweat, but his heart stay calm. Although they’re on the war, but his heart stay calm. Everything they do and whatever the situation, the composure always there in their heart.
So, a composure is directly proportional with the trust in Allah and the trust in Allah is a frame of a movement perfection. Yes, that’s a beautiful surrender.
3. The Way of Action
` A blessing generation is for those who always involve Allah in their action. A lot of people wishing for something but not followed by prayer and action. So that’s just like an illusion or live in fantasy. We have to trust that doa has a great power and action is the way to reach our goals and the main purpose of a blessing generation is “keridhoan Allah.”
So now, have you know what is a blessing generation and why we have to be like them? I hope my explanation above has answered your questions and hopefully you’ve known what’s the purpose of your life.
For the closing statement is when everything has framed by a blessing from Allah, sometimes quantity would be lost by the quality. Allah makes us to win because we obey to Him.
Wallahu a’lam.
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